We are providing the Antonyms and Synonyms of those words which start with character ‘S’. use these words and prepare for upcoming exams.
Word | Synonyms | Antonyms |
Scared | blessed, consecrated | temporal, worldly |
Sad | dejected, depressed, despondent | joyous, blithe, lively |
Saddle | load, burden | unload, disburden |
Sane | sound, healthy, sensible | unsound, confused, insane |
Saucy | impertinent, rude | polite, reserved |
Savoury | tasty, spicy, palatable | unsavoury, tasteless |
Sarcastic | biting, caustic, cutting | favourable, flattering |
Scandal | shame, infamy, slander | credit, praise |
Scandalous | atrocious, monstrous | appropriate, humane, polite |
Scanty | insufficient, meager, scarce | abundant, plentiful, adequate |
Scatter | sprinkle, disoerse, diffuse | retain, hold, gather |
Sceptic | agnostic, atheist, doubter, unbeliever | believer, bigot, pietist |
Seclusion | separation, withdrawl | publicity, union |
Secular | temporal, civil, lay, profane | religious, eternal, pious |
Sedate | calm, composed, sober, serious | perturbed, agitated, fighty |
Seductive | alluring, enticing, attractive | repelling, chill, dissuade |
Semblance | resemblance, likeness | unlikeness |
Sensual | carnal, fleshly | ascetic, spiritual |
Servile | slavish, menial | masterly, lordly |
Shackle | fetter, hamper | loose, release |
Shuffle | mix, confuse | clear, be frank |
Slender | slim, fragile, weak, thin | fat, bulky, stout |
Sloth | torpor, inactivity, laziness | activity, vigour |
Smite | strike, beat, hit | spare, repair |
Snug | close, comfortable | uncomfortable |
Smudge | soil, besmirch, dirty | bleach, clean, purify |
Sober | moderate, calm | immoderate, excited |
Solace | console, comfort, peace | vex, pain, irritation |
Solicitude | care, concern, worry, anxiety | careless |
Solitary | lone, single, secluded | companionable, sociable |
Sophistry | casuistry, hair-splitting | uncontroversial |
Sordid | dirty, foul, filthy | clean, polished |
Sovereign | royal, regal, authority | subject, ineffectual |
Speculation | thought, theory | action, fact |
Speculator | barracker, observer | performer, participant |
Splendid | gorgeous, sumptuous | shabby, cheap |
Spontaneous | voluntary, without preparation | involuntary |
Spurious | illegitimate, forged | genuine, authentic |
Squander | dissipate, waste | save, economics |
Stagnant | still, motionless, stationary | running |
Stake | risk, hazard | shirk, avoid |
Staunch | firm, resolute | infirm, unsteady |
Steadfast | fixed, established | unfixed, infirm |
Steep | abrupt, preciptious | flat, gentle, level, low |
Sterile | arid, barren, childless | bearing, fruitful, viable, productive |
Stimulate | arouse, stir | calm, tranquil |
Stout | strong, robust, portly | thin, lean, weak |
Stray | wander, err, portly | thin, lean, weak |
Stringent | astringent, contracting, tight | relaxing, gentle |
Strip | denude, uncover, bare | cover, clothe |
Stubborn | obstinate, unyielding, adaman | adaptable, docile, yielding, tractable |
Sublime | high, exalted | low, depressed |
Subdue | check, constrain, curb | incite, stimulate |
Symbolical | typical, representative | actual |
Synonymous | equivalent, similar | dissimiliar, contrary |
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