
Antonyms and Synonyms Start with ‘J’ and ‘K’

Get the Antonyms and Synonyms starts with character ‘J’ and ‘K’. Learn these words. We hope it will be beneficial in the preparation of your exams.

Word Synonyms Antonyms
Jaundiced biased, prejudiced, mistrustful unprejudiced, trusting, confident
Jeopardize hazard, endanger secure, preserve
Jeopardy danger, hazard, menace defence, protection, safety
Jolly jovial, festive miserable, dull
Jubilant exulting, rejoicing despondent, despairing
Judicious discriminating, prudent indiscreet, imprudent
Jumble conglomeration, prudent clear, order, sequential, arranged
Juvenile youthful, young senile, old
Jurisdiction authority, dominion forbidding, preventing
Kindle fire, ignite, inflame, light, quench darken, extinguish, stifle
Kidnap abduct, carry off restore, bring back
Knotty hard, intricate smooth, easy, simple
Knack aptitude, faculty, gift ineptitude, incompetence

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Mansi Agarwal
Mansi Agarwal

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