WADA Signed Agreement with China to Tackle Drug Rings
- The World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) has signed a Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) with China’s Sports Ministry on September 23, 2015 to crack down on the manufacture and supply of performance-enhancing drugs in the country.
- With this agreement, WADA and Interpol will exchange information with China’s law enforcement agencies to target and dismantle producers and help countries catch drug cheats among their athletes.
- The project team will include officials from, Chinese police, customs, Food and Drug Administration and the Chinese Anti-Doping Agency.
Syriza Party Won Greece General Election
- Syriza party led by Alexis Tsipras, the Prime Minister won 35.5% of the vote to 28.0% for the centre-right New Democracy party on September 20, 2015. Syriza won 145 seats in the 300 member Parliament, only four fewer than it won in the general election that swept the party into power in January, 2015.
- The snap elections were called in Greece by President in August, 2015, after then ruling Syriza Party led by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras lost its majority in the Parliament after some its members opposed the European Union bailout package of $ 86 billion which was accepted by Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras.
Read Also – Smart Practice Current Affairs October 2015.
Nepal’s Parliament Approved New Constitution
- Nepal’s Constituent Assembly has approved a new Constitution after seven years of painstaking efforts and deliberations.
- The new Constitution, which was approved on September 16, 2015 has split the country into seven federal provinces.
- Subash Nemwang, Chairman of Constituent Assembly announced the Charter was passed by a 507-25 vote in the 601-seat Assembly after the voting. The lawmakers from Nepali Congress, CPN-UML and UCPN- Maoist supported the draft constitution.
- This is the fifth constitution enacted by Nepal. The previous four constitutions were enacted in 1959, 1962, 1990 and 1999. The new Constitution is due to come into effect on September 20, 2015.
Hungary Declared State of Emergency over Refugee Influx
- The Hungarian government has declared a State of emergency in its two regions of Csongrad and Bacs-Kiskun on September 15, 2015 to cope with the influx of refugees, as almost 10000 people were detained for illegally crossing the border from Serbia.
- European Union’s foreign policy Chief Federica Mogherini met with the” UN high commissioner on September 15, 2015 for refugees to discuss the crisis. Serbia was talking to the Hungarian government about the build-up of refugees on their frontier.
- Over 200000 refugees have reached Hungary so far in 2015, nearly all by walking across the southern border with Serbia. European countries are witnessing a greatest illegal refugee crisis since World War II and is considered as one of the worst humanitarian crisis.
North Korea’s Yongbyon Nuclear Plant in Full Operation
- North Korea’s State controlled media KCNA said on September 15, 2015 that the nuclear complex in Yongbyon was in full operation. North Korea’s National Aerospace Development Administration also indicated on September 14, 2015 that it is preparing for a possible satellite launch that would likely utilise ballistic missile technology.
- The reactor was shut down earlier in 2007 under a six-nation aid-for-disarmament accord. But with this resume North Korea appears to be intensifying nuclear and ballistic missile development efforts. But, the dictatorial Kim Jong Un regime vowed to restart it again in 2013, following its third nuclear test and amid high regional tensions.
- North Korea is 4th fully-fledged nuclear country after India, Israel and Pakistan which has never joined the NPT.
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