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BNPM Graduate/Technician Previous Year Question and Sample Model Paper
The BNPM exam papers are here for the candidates to download. This is to inform the young and talented candidates that the latest vacancies for the post of graduation and technical apprentice posts are released for the aspiring students. The is ready to provide all the solved previous exam papers along with the sample papers to the participating candidates. The Manager model papers are also showcased in the form of links so do click on the links provided here. The page simplifies the relevant information regarding the official notification; provide the access to download the bnpm previous year question papers with the syllabus and pattern of the BNPM Apprentice exam. Follow the necessary information from this page in order to develop the better understanding of the paper. The aspiring candidates will be able to get the complete information of the exam and solved papers from this page, so follow the information as provided to you.
Get: Current Affairs for Exams
The application form is invited for the graduate apprentice and technical apprentice in the Mysore, Karnataka state for the mentioned posts. The latest vacancies is offered by the All Bank Note Paper Mill Bill Pvt Ltd to recruit the talented candidates for the graduation and technical apprentice post in various branches, electronics, electrical, mechanical, electronics and communication, instrumentation and control, chemical engineering/ paper and pulp engineering. So, get the official notification from the website or follow the important information such as syllabus, pattern and solved papers from this page. We ensure you to provide the information in concise and easy format, and allow you to download all the solved previous exam papers from links. The aspiring candidates are required to get the eligibility and guidelines information from the official notification as suggested by the department. The exam dates are tentative and will be declared by the department or follow the updates of our website to get the related information. The desired syllabus and pattern is provided for the reference and you can download the exam papers from the mentioned links as provided here.
Name of the organisation – BNPM
Name of the post         -Graduate Apprentice and technical apprentice and other
Job Category                     –  Syllabus and previous papers
Mode of Exam                   – Written exam
Syllabus and pattern for BNPM Recruitment Exam
The syllabus of the exam of BNPM of Technical Apprentice is provided for all the aspiring candidates. The job seekers must view the official notification from the website in a way to retrieve the formal guidelines of the exam. The exam of BNPM involves the topics of the above mentioned posts. The exam is conducted in written format and interview and medical fitness test. The exam is involving MCQ based questions. The subjects required to follow in the exam are provided below. Thus, download the previous papers links in PDF to get the complete structure of the exam. Â Or refer the official website to get the important notification of the post.
Electrical and Electronics
Mechanical Engineering
Electronics communication
Chemical Engineering
Get: SSC Online Quiz
The detailed description of the topics mentioned above is provided in the links, so that you get the access of the previous papers set and solutions along with sample papers. The exam papers are provided in the PDF format as it is easy and portable to access. For more such information and latest notification updates, get the official website of and all the information of the latest government exam and updates.
If you are looking for BNPM Officer previous year question paper then you are landed at right place, we had covered all previous year question paper which were conducted.
Download BNPM Graduate/Technician Question Papers
Bank Note Paper Mill Dy Manager Sample Papers – Reasoning
BNPM India Solved Papers – English
BNPM India Officer Practice Papers – Quantitative Aptitude
Electronics Engineering Old Papers
ECE Graduation Apprentice Paper
Computer Science Engg Sample Papers
Mechanical Engineering Model Question papers
Visit for the current affairs, previous year question papers, online quiz for the competitive exams and many more. If you need more question paper comment down your email id.