
COMEDK Entrance Exam Test Syllabus 2017

COMEDK Entrance Exam Test Syllabus 2017

Consortium of Medical, Engineering and Dental of Karnataka [COMEDK] is an state level entrance exam for the undergraduate courses. This entrance is for the admission in Medical, Dental and Engineering field. The duration of BE course through COMEDK UGET is of four years and that of MBBS is for four and half years. One the other hand for BArch and BDS its of 5 and 4 years respectively. But from 2017 ownwards COMEDK UGET will be organized only for admission into ENGINEERING courses only admission for MBBS and BDS will be on the basis of NEET  scores. Candidate willing to appear in this exam can fill entrance form as the submission of form is through online. Application form is realised from 13th February and deadline for the form is 20th April 2017.

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Exam syllabus for COMEDK Entrance Test 2017

Syllabus of Physics for COMEDK UGET: Alternating current, Capacitances, Centre of Mass, Impulse and Momentum, Circular Motion, Elasticity, Electromagnetic Induction, Electrostatic, Electromagnetic wave, Fluids,Gravitational, Heat and Thermodynamic, Heating and Chemical effect of Current, Kinetic Theory of Gases, Law of Motion, Magnetic Effect of Current and Magnetism, Modern Physics, Motion in 2D and 1D, Physics of Nucleus, Principle of Communication, Radioactivity, Ray Optics, Rotational Motion, Simple Harmonic Motions, Solids and Semiconductor Devices, Units Dimension errors, Vectors Motions, Wave motions, wave optics, Work Energy Power, X-Rays.

SYLLABUS FOR CHEMISTRY: Alcohol Phenol Ether, Aldehyde Ketone, Alkene  Alkane and Alkyne, Amines and Diazonium salt (compound containing Nitrogen) , Atomic structure, Biomolecules, Carboxylic acid and its derivatives, Chemical bondings, Chemical Equilibrium, Chemical Kinetics, Chemical Thermodynamic, Coordination Compound, Gases state, General Organic Chemistry, Ionic Equilibrium, Mole concept, Nuclear Chemistry, pblock, Periodic classification of elements, Polymer, Principle and Process of Extraction, Purification characterization Organic Compound, Redox reaction, sblock, Solid State, Solution, Surface Chemistry, Transition elements.

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Syllabus for Mathematics: Probability, Matrices and Determinants, Logarithm series, Differentials equation, Three Dimensional Geometry, Co-relation and Regression, Circles, Trigonometry, Coordinates Geometry, Vectors and Calculus .
SYLLABUS FOR ENGLISH: comprehension passage, structure of words, phrases clues and sentence, one word substitution, models, preposition, jumble words, synonym and antonyms, tenses, voices.
English portion is just to check candidate basic understanding for the language. Marks of this subject will not be determined. Wholeexam syllabus will be bases on the books of class 11 and 12.exam will be of three hour,all questions will be objective in nature, and carries mark. There is no negative marking. Total number of questions will be 124.

This year exam date has been adjourn to 14th May 2017 due to its clash with NEET 2017.

So, get these Comedk entrance exam test syllabus in detail and start preparing for the exam.


Mansi Agarwal
Mansi Agarwal

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