
Defence & Security Current Affairs December 2016

Defence & Security Current Affairs December 2016

10th Command Level Navy Coast Guard (COMNAVGUARD) Meeting Held

  • The 10th Command Level Navy Coast,Guard _ (COMNAVGUARD) meeting to discuss Inter-operatability issues between Navy and Coast Guard was held at eastern naval command headquarters on November 2, 2016.
  • During the meeting, various initiatives taken by the Navy and Coast Guard towards augmentation of coastal security efforts and enhanced inter-operatability were reviewed and deliberated.
  • The discussion also included measures to enhance synergy of operation, sharing of resources and futuristic plans to enhance effectiveness of the Naval and Coast Guard operations on the East coast.

Indo-Nepal Joint Military Exercise Started

  • India and Nepal commenced their 10th joint military exercise which will be held over two weeks on October 31, 2016.
  • The aim of this exercise is to conduct battalion level joint training with emphasis on Counter Terrorism in mountainous terrain.
  • Aspects of Disaster Management have also been included in the exercise. The Joint Battalion Level Exercise will enhance defence cooperation and relations between the two nation.

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Indo-Sri Lanka Joint Military Exercise Mitra Shakti 2016 Began

  • The fourth edition of the India-Sri Lanka Joint Military Exercise ‘MitraShakti 2016’ was conducted at Sinha Regimental Centre in Ambepussa, Sri Lanka from October 24 to November 6, 2016.
  • The main focus of this edition of the joint exercise is to enhance inter-operability while carrying out Counter Insurgency (CI)/Counter Terrorism (CT) operations under the United Nations Mandate.
  • Both armies would get familiar with the respective methodology of such operations, each other’s arms and equipment and the command and control systems.

Double the Range of BrahMos Missile

  • India and Russia have approved an extension to the range of the supersonic cruise missile BrahMos, doubling it to 600 km, according to an official with the Indian Ministry of Defence.
  • The official pointed out that the range of the joint yenture missile can now be increased because of India’s entry into the Missile Technology Control Regime (MTCR), which provides the country with opportunities for foreign collaboration on the missile technology.
  • The two countries came to agreement on October 26, 2016 at a meeting in kew Delhi of the 16th Intergovernmental Commission on Military-Technical Cooperation.

Indian Army Team won Gold Medal in Cambrian Patrol Exercise

  • A team from the Indian Army’s Gorkha Rifles was awarded a gold medal in Exercise Cambrian Patrol organised by the British Army on October 24, 2016. The medal went to the eight men of the 2nd Battalion of 8 Gorkha Rifles.
  • The exercise consists of a 55 km course that snakes across the Cambrian Mountains. It is a mission and task-oriented exercise, which means the participating team must complete tasks given to them. All this must be done within 48 hours. And the patrol must carry its full personal kit an equipment.
  • The Cambrian Patrol is not a competition. Gold (75%), silver (65-74%) and bronze (55-64%) medals are awarded based qn the number of points earned on completion of the gruelling course. Certificates are awarded to teams that finish with lower than 55% of the points.

World’s Oldest Aircraft Carrier INS-Viraat

  • INS-Viraat, the world’s oldest aircraft carrier, was accorded a grand send-off from the port city in Kochi, after over 5 decades of its service to the Navy on October 23, 2016.
  • The final journey of the carrier began with Navy officials led by the Chief of Staff, Southern Naval Command, Rear Admiral Nadkami bidding farewell to the carrier at Emakulam Wharf of Cochin Port Trust.
  • The final journey of the carrier began with Navy officials led by the Chief of Staff, Southern Naval Command, Rear Admiral Nadkami bidding farewell to the carrier at Emakulam Wharf of Cochin Port Trust.

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Arihant Set to Complete India’s Nuclear Triad

  • India is finally close to operationalising its long-awaited nuclear weapons triad, the capability to launch nukes from land, air and sea, with the commissioning of INS-Arihant on October 18, 2016.
  • A Nuclear Triad (N-Triad) refers to the nuclear weapons delivery of a strategic nuclear arsenal which consists of three components : strategic bombers, Inter-Continental Ballistic Missiles (ICBMs), and Submarine-Launched Ballistic Missiles (SLBMs).

Indian Navy Commissioned INS-Tihayu

  • The Indian Navy commissioned a highly maneuverable fast attack craft TNS-Tihayu’, which deployed along the eastern coast for patrolling on October 18, 2016.
  • INS-Tihayu is the second ship of the four follow-on Water Jet Fast Attack Craft (FO-WJFAC), being built by M/s Garden Reach I Shipbuilders and Engineers Limited (GRSE) and would be based j in Visakhapatnam under the Naval Officer-in-Charge (Andhra Pradesh).
  • It is Named after Tihayu island (presently known as Katchal island) in the Nicobar group of islands, the 320-tonne INS-Tihayu, measuring 49 m in length, can achieve speeds in excess of 35 knots.

16 Countries Participated in Pakistan Military Drill

  • Sixteen countries participated in military exercises aimed at enhancing physical and military capabilities of troops in eastern Pakistan.
  • The first ever joint exercise between Pakistan and Russian military which started on September 27, meanwhile, ended on October. 10, 2016.

US Navy Commissioned most Advanced Stealth Destroyer Zumwalt

  • The US Navy commissioned its largest, most expensive and technologically advanced destroyer, Zumwalt on October 17, 2016.
  • It looks like a much smaller vessel on radar and having length of 600 ft. The Zumwalt is hard to detect, track and attack.
  • Its weight is nearly 15000 tonnes, the ship’s advanced technology and capabilities allow it a range of defensive and offensive missions to project power.
  • The Zumwalt will be able to launch Tomahawk cruise missiles, Evolved Sea Sparrow Missiles, standard surface-to-air missiles and anti-submarine rockets from 80 missile tube.

India-Indonesia Bilateral Maritime Exercise Commenced

  • 28th India-Indonesia Coordinated Patrol and Second Bilateral Maritime Exercise, scheduled from October 10-27, 2016 began at Belawan, Indonesia.
  • Defence relations between India and Indonesia have been growing steadily with regular joint activities and interactions between the Armed Forces of the two countries.
  • The two navies have been carrying out Coordinated Patrols (CORPAT) on respective sides of the International Maritime Boundary Line (IMBL) twice a year since 2002, with the aim of keeping this vital part of the Indian Ocean Region safe and secure for commercial shipping, International trade and legitimate marine activities.

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Mansi Agarwal
Mansi Agarwal

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