
India and World Current Affairs April 2017

IMF Opened Training and Technical Assistance Centre for Economic Capacity JBuilding in South Asia

  • IMF opened SARTTAC which is a collaborative venture between the IMF, the member countries (Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Maldives, Nepal, and Sri Lanka), and development partners.
  • The centre aims at helping its member countries strengthen their institutional and human capacity to design and implement macroeconomic and financial policies that promote growth and reduce poverty in a rapidly growing region that is home to one fifth of the world’s population.
  • SARTTAC will allow the IMF to meet more of the high demand for technical assistance and training from the region.

India and Croatia Inked Pact to Boost Economic Cooperation

  • India and Croatia signed an agreement to boost bilateral trade and enhance economic cooperation on February 14, 2017,
  • India and Croatia had earlier signed an agreement on Trade and Economic Cooperation in September, 1994 with an aim to promote and develop bilateral trade and economic relations.
  • India’s bilateral trade with Croatia during 2013-14, 2014-15 and 2015-16 stood at $ 148.86 million, $ 205.04 million and $ 148.44 ,million, respectively.

India and UK Signed Deal to Boost Tourism and Trade

  • India and the UK signed a MoU to ease restrictions on the number of scheduled flights between the two countries, on February 9, 2017. Tourism from India makes an important contribution to the UK economy. In 2015, there were 422000 visits from India to the UK, bringing more than £ 433 million to the economy.
  • The agreement also opened all destinations in the UK for Indian carriers for code share flights, and reciprocally the UK carriers can also operate code share flights to any International Airport in India, through domestic code share arrangements.

Pact with France in the Field of Science, Technology and Innovation

  • The Union Cabinet signed Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) of Cooperation between Technology Development Board (TDB), Department of Science & Technology, government of India and Bpifrance, a Public Investment Bank, France.
  • The agreement will ensure exchange of best practices and setting-up of coordinated measures to foster technological exchanges in the field of Science, Technology and Innovation through collaboration between companies, organisations and institutions of France and India.
  • The agreement aims to carry out activities related to exchange of best practices in the field of Science & Technology through the Technology Development Board and Bpifrance.

Union Government Apprised of India-Vietnam Space Agreement

  • The Union Cabinet was apprised of the agreement between India and Vietnam on the usage of outer space for peaceful purposes, on February 8,2017.
  • Cooperation with Vietnam through this Framework Agreement would lead to development of joint activity in the field of application of space technologies for the benefit of humanity.
  • The agreement would enable the two countries to explore the potential interest areas of cooperation In the space science, technology and applications like remote sensing, satellite communication and navigation and other areas.

Union Government Approved MoU between India and Senegal

  • The Union Cabinet approved for signing a Memorandum of Understandings (MoU) between India and Senegal in the field of Health and Medicine on February 8, 2017.
  • The main areas of cooperationbetween the Parties will include integrated Disease Surveillance, Medical Research, Emergency Relief, Hospital Management, Drugs & Pharmaceutical products/hospital equipments, Traditional Medicine, AIDS Control and any other areas of mutual interest.
  • A working group will beset-up to further elaborate the details of cooperation and to oversee the implementation of this Memorandum of Understandings (MoU).

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Mansi Agarwal
Mansi Agarwal

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