Interview 14:
Interview Experience
UBI Headquarter, KOLKATA
7 Members(1 lady)
1.What is rti?
2.executive head of rti?(CIC-central information commisioner)
who is present CIC?
3.From where u belong,district name,major crops,minerals,name of MP?
4.From where completed,about job?
5.How prepared for exam any coaching?have cleared po and clerk?
6.What internet connection do u have in ur home?
8.what is public IP?
9.How to find IP in our PCs?
10.what are the external attacks in an organisation’s website/govt website by other countries?how to prevent?
11.Recently a KOREAN site was hacked…do u know which country have done this?
12.what is mac adress?where mac adress store? kiska IP hai?
14. medium of giving loans to farmer(PSL,KCC)
15.what is foreign exchange reserve?