

Interview 15:

My Interview at Jaipur

Qualification – B. Tech CSE

There were 6 members in the panel. 5 M + 1F
Only one of them had technical knowledge.

  1. Besides personal questions like gap after engineering and questions about family, marks in ibps po, they asked following questions.
    What is a driver
    Ascii codes
    How to install printer
    How to take snapshot ( hadd hi ho gyi)
    No questions from data mining, networking and dbms
  2. Banking questions
    Cibil, How information with cibil can help
    which a/c is most profitable for the banks, roles of rbi, who signs Re 1 note, DRI,
  3. Current affairs ques
    PM is visiting which nations
    3 lady cm
    Recent political situation in India
    4 rbi deputy governors
    Why rbi does not issue Re 1 note
Mansi Agarwal
Mansi Agarwal

Hey, I am Mansi Agarwal - owner of this site. I am basically from Lucknow. I did B.Tech and now working as a full time blogger. Blogging is my passion and my permanent job also. If you have any suggestion for the improvement of this site then feel free to tell me. You can connect with me on FB and Twitter for more updates.